Sunday, February 2, 2014

Uddevalla Long Cycle Open 2014: fourth year

Sweden's oldest re-occuring GS-competition celebrated it fourth anniversary yesterday.
As always, it was a great event and quite international. Among the 20 and something lifters, there was one Norwegian, and one Finnish team.

UKC (as well as participating lifters) are getting more and more routine regarding how to arrange a competition, what are the rules, warm-up etc, etc... So it run smooth.

There were several PRs and really good sets all-over. A great way to spend a Saturday.

My contribution
My plan was to lift 28s, still I changed my mind and choose 24s instead. For being me it was an ok set and a competition PR of 61reps. Now, I am seriously fed up with LC :-). I will train biathlon only for at least two months before getting in LC-shape for veteran class Championship in Lyon in June.

--Edit 3/1--
The result list copied from FB:
53 kg, (12kg) – Ina Winter-Norge- 115 reps
63 kg,(16 kg)- Ulrika Jansson-Kävlinge-100 reps
75 kg,(12 kg)- Sonja Jämsen-Finland-110 reps
(16 kg) Ronja Jämsen-Finland-124 reps
(20 kg) Camilla Berglin-Motala-105 reps
(2x12 kg) Camilla Berglin- Motala-87 reps
+75 kg (2x16 kg) Marie Kukkannen-Finland-44 reps
73 kg,(2x24 kg) Mauricio Velez Cardona-Norge-57 reps
78 kg,(2x24 kg) Johan Grebner-Uddevalla-60 reps
Markus Hillemalm-Uddevalla-40 reps
78 kg,(2x20 kg) Timo jämsen-Finland-62 reps
85 kg (2x16 kg) Gustav Denninger- Malmö-68 reps
85 kg (2x24 kg) Markel Thylefors-Göteborg-61 reps
85 kg(2x28 kg) Andreas Evaldsson-Skövde-39 reps
85 kg(2x32 kg) Nils Martin Lundgren-Norge-45 reps
95 kg(2x20 kg) Sven Brorsson-Uddevalla-62 reps
95 kg(2x24 kg) Niclas Gonzalez-Uddevalla-76 reps
+95 kg(2x20 kg) Johan Ohlsson- Trollhättan-75 reps
+95 kg(2x24 kg) Jens Parnevall-Göteborg-62 reps
+95 kg(2x28 kg) Fredrik Norström-Stockholm-61 reps

1 comment:

Alexander said...

Thank you! :-)

The biathlon is hard, I am already looking forward the LC again