Sunday, July 6, 2014

Weekend's joys

LC 2x20kg, 2x24kg: 5rep each
LC 2x28kg: 36/8min (5/4/5/4...rpm pattern)

Running: 2kms (brisk tempo)

Warm and very humid and grip was an issue. Was at a nice dinner yesterday, the red wine and sherry didn't help training. But nice dinners are very important too.

Sunday 5th of July
LC 2x20kg: 5rep
LC 2x24kg: 64/10min

Slow stroll to the gym

Deep squats 60kg: 2x 10reps; 80kg: 5x 6reps

Another hot and humid day so I wondered if I could do a high rep set with 24s, but with doping from an electric fan it worked.
It is funny, but 6rpm with 24s is ok. As soon as I step up tempo to 7rpm I still get very breathtaken. Hence, I have to sprint at the end and then collapse. It is like with the 28kgs, but with 4 and 5rpm respectively.
With 32s I don't have any rpm yet, it is just focusing on speed and lockout of each individual rep.
Squats felt great and form consistent from the bottom and up. Bet I will be sore for a few days :-).

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