LC 2x24kg: 2x 5 reps
LC 2x32kg: 12, 10
LC 2x24kg: 24/3min
Farm walk 2x24kg: 2min
Pull-ups: 3x 7reps
During farm walk I tried this a bit, but I didn't have a good thing to sit on. I also thought on low outside swing.
Arsenij Zhernakov will give a seminar in Hyvinkää 9-10 of august (LINK). I don't think my job will let me go though.
Thursday 3rd
LC 2x20kg, 2x24kg: 5rep each
LC 2x28kg: 36/8min (5/4/5/4...rpm pattern)
walk to the gym
Deep squats 50kg: 3x 12reps; 80kg: 3x 6reps
Bulgarian split squats 2 sets
The squats, I wanted 5x 6reps but lost form at the bottom (I think I tended to put more weight on right leg) so I dropped to lighter weight.
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