Sunday, July 27, 2014

Three days

Friday 25th
OA LC 36kg: 9/9
4 of this superset: 4dips-4chins

Running: 2,5kms

The supersets were just weird and awkward, not tyring. Might try it again but with something like 8reps-8reps. Should be good theoretically....

Saturday 26
LC 2x24kg: 3x 5reps
LC 2x32kg: 17 (no 18 was a no-count)

OA LC 32kg: 10min hand change every minute, 5rpm

Was happy with the LC today. I helped my mum by doing som concrete casting before training so I did OA LC rather than high rpm lifting with 24s.

LC 2x20kg, 2x24kg: 5 reps each
LC 2x28kg: 40, 5rpm

walk to gym

Deep squats 50kg: 4x 12reps

The squat rack occupied again - considering looking for another gym. Yet, I think the very light squats are good for reaching the full range of motion.

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