Saturday, June 28, 2014

Friday, Saturday

Friday 27th
LC 2x24kg: 2x 5 reps
LC 2x32kg: 13
Jerk 2x32kg: 10

Snatch 24kg: 5/5, 2x 20/20reps

Some BU cleans

Saturday 28th
LC2x20kg: 2x 5reps
LC 2x28kg: 25, 5rpm

Light Swing and snatch form practice
Pocket snatch practice (empty barbell)

Deep squats 50kg: 3x 12reps; 80kg 2x 6reps
Light Swing and snatch form practice again

Very fun and varied session. Watching the video from yesterday's snatching I saw that I hinge slightly deeper on right hand snatches. Hence, some snatch practice today. Here is a link to what "pocket snatch" is (LINK). I have no plans of beginning with barbell snatches - but it is good to take in some new motoric patterns from time to time.

Happy weekend!

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