Monday, October 7, 2013

SM in Long Cycle in Trollhättan

Saturday was Swedish Championship in Long Cycle in Trollhättan. The arrangements were impeccable thanks to Sofia, Per and the other members from Trollhättan Kettlebell Sport Klubb.

Here are the results: LINK

The competition took place in a large hall of the local sports centre. Thus, there was cafeteria, lockers, warm up area, etc. Moreover, quite some people visiting the sports centre for stopped by and watched the lifting.

I was judging a lot so I missed some action at the other platforms - even forgot filming. It was a lot easier to judge as the general level has improved a lot. Spartan had lent out Russian scoreboards which facilitated a lot.

Good ladies lifters, good gentlemen lifters. There were three lifters in the youth division which impressed a lot as well. Technically, they looked like pro-lifters. Perfect lock-outs, great speed... in fact, I started laughing when thinking about my own technique compared to theirs.

I am always especially impressed by those who dare to compete with 32kgs - there were two such lifters this time.

My contribution
56reps with 2x24kg. I should have done 60 at least. It was cardio that stopped me, got a feeling I did not get air and heart was beating like crazy. Last training sessions before competition, my pulse was also raised and I dropped a kilo  or two in bodyweight... Despite eating and drinking a lot of water I weighed in at only 81,9kgs.

I got a silver medal anyway which is nice :-).

I saw that my co-competitor/friend in kettlebells Per filmed his set with me on it! He is the good guy to the right. I am the slow guy in the middle. Nice to have it filmed, thanks Per.


Henrik said...

Grattis till silvret!

Alexander said...

Tack Henrik!

Alexander said...

Thanks Karsten! Will repair the missing six reps next time :-)