Monday, August 19, 2013

LC, training consecutive days experiment

LC 2x20kg: 10
LC 2x24kg: 30/5min

Jogging: 6 km

Monday 19th
LC 2x20kg: 5
LC 2x24kg: 5
LC 2x30kg: 2, 19, 10
LC 2x24kg: 33reps/5min

Bar hang: 1min
Oa bar hang: 2x 10/10sec

Wow a change!

The careful reader might notice that I have lifted less volume, but three consecutive days. It is a little experiment. I want to see if to what extent my body (i.e. joints) accepts training several day in a row.

It worked out ok in the past with one day pull, one day push, one day rest. I guess that is ok for volume work, but kettlebell sport requires push and pull either during the same set or during the same day (biathlon). Well, I will try out some more, carefully... :-). The plan is rest tomorrow and some sort of training Wedensday and Thursday.

By the way, I had to try LC with 30kgs today again. It pissed me off that I didn't reach 20 reps Saturday. And, neither did I today but cleans were great.

SM in Long Cycle in Trollhättan 2013
The Swedish LC Championship has a new FB-page: LINK.

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