Saturday, July 20, 2013

Snatch and jerk

Snatch 24kg: 3/3, L53/R50 (ca 7:30min, faster on right side; +3 no-counts on right side due to too short lockout last reps)

It is a snatch-personal best. I am not a snatcher :-). Browsing through my archives, I see that I snatched 48/50 the 22nd of October 2010. Since then I have not trained a lot of snatch. Interestingly, it seems that LC with 28s has helped grip endurance. What gave out first today was cardio, then back of shoulder and third grip. My snatch technique needs some renovation.

Later I tried some jerks but had no focus so I dropped it for today. This is what it looked like:

SC jerk 2x20kg: 5
SC jerk 2x24kg: 5
SC jerk 2x30kg: 10
SC jerk 2x24kg: 10

Enjoy the weekend!

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