Thursday 18th
LC 2x20kg: 5
LC 2x24kg: 5
LC 2x30kg: 2,20 (slow, -3rpm)
SC jerk: 2x32kg: 4
SC jerk 2x30kg: 5,5
That was all. Didn't sleep well last night so I didn't want to wear myself out with a lot of work.
Saturday 20th
LC 2x20kg: 5,5
LC 2x28kg: 3, 27 (PR)
Bench press 80kg: 3,4,3
-""- 85kg: 3,2
Various pull-ups
I felt sore in the knees from the 30kg jerks: I think it is because I try to get more speed in dips. Anyway, I did not want to do a lot of volume today, so I went for a single set at maybe 90/95% of max.
I did a Personal Record of 27reps - when I watched the video I saw that indeed the speed of the dips looked better (ie faster) throughout the entire set. Also, Thursday's set with 30kgs looked quicker. It would be great if I am actually beginning to change and if I can keep that change!
Bravo for your PR LC !!!!
Thanks! I'm just as glad that the dips seems a little quicker.
All the best!
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