Monday, April 15, 2013

Great success in the anti-slug struggle

14th of April
Run/walk: 7kms (70-80% of HRM)

The weather was so good I just had to run instead of the gym.

Monday 15th of April
LC 2x20kg: 3x 5reps
LC 2x28kg: 5x 6reps, 5x 5reps (1min rests throughout)

Squats 50kg 5,5,5,10
Pull ups, neutral grip: 4x 5reps

Mobility & stretch

At last I could increase my 10x 5 reps layout with the 28s. I did 6rpm the first 5 sets and then 5rpm for the remaining 5 set. I have tried to hit 11x 5reps but it didn't work out. But this did.

The squats were strict - and I had no more to give there today. Too tired to bench.

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