Friday, April 12, 2013

TGI (training journal)

 Walk/run: 6 kms in the range 70-80% of HRM

Kb warm up
Oa lc 32kg: 2/2, 11/11

SC Jerk 2x20kg: 5,5
SC Jerk 2x28kg: 3x 11reps (short sets w 20kgs to "remember" speed in between)

Deadlift 120kg 2x 5reps; 130kg 5reps
Bench press 4 sets at 80 & 85 kg
Pull ups: 5,5,3

Tried just a few deadlifts in order to see if it works in combination with long cycle training. Is this in the line of "Easy Strength"?
I like the oa lc as it is easier to focus on the lockout of one arm at a time... :-). I mean to focus on right shoulder mobility.

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