Friday, March 22, 2013

25 at last (reps, not years)

Wedensday 20th
SC Jerk 2x20kg: 5,5
SC Jerk 2x28kg: 4x 10reps (long rests with 5rep sets w 20kgs to "remember" speed)

Leg press: some sets

Bench press 80kg: 5x 3reps

Wanted to save lower back and did jerks only. Again I put quicker light 5rep sets in between the 28kg sets.

Friday 22nd
LC 2x20kg: 5,5
LC 2x28kg: 3,25 (PR)

SC Jerk 2x28kg: 5,5 (again with 5rep sets w 20kgs to "remember" speed)

Leg press: some sets
Row with cable 3 sets of 8

At last I beat my old PR with 28s (it has been 24 reps several times), and I wasn't too tired. Dip speed helps my lockouts a lot... not that I'm fast... :-)
Two PRs this week, despite the terrible flu a month ago. Maybe the illness enforced a badly needed rest, or the fact that I do a little more leg work since some time now.

Have a good weekend!

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