Saturday, September 13, 2014

11th & 13th

LC 2x28kg: 15, 5rpm
Jogging: 5kms

Stretch & mobility, chi-gong

Felt great, but when I started lifting I felt Wedensday's session in the body as well as some twinge in the elbow. So, I went for an easy jog instead.

Oa swings 28kg: 5x 20/20reps

Deep front squats with 20kg dumbell: 4x 10reps
Deep Squat 50kg: 10, 10, 7

Squat rack and barbells occupied, thus this layout. Still, started to get cramps in quads during last set with barbell which I believe is a good thing - ie you have been doing something more than you are used to.

Still, have a feeling in the elbow so no pressing - or eccentric loaded - moves until it is completely gone.

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