Monday, July 29, 2013

Virtual competition: International Friendship Tournament of Kettlebell Lifting August 4, 2013

I got an invitation to a virtual competition arranged by Bollert and the Berlin Kettle Bears. The info is below. There is also a Facebook page for the event: LINK
I think I will make a try with the 24kgs (perhaps 20kgs). 

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"Welcome to international tournament for the benefit of friendship and professional development in the sport of kettlebell lifting.

Part 2 of the Summer Series will determine an Absolute Champion in each of the following categories:

Long Cycle 12kg
Long Cycle 16kg

Long Cycle 20k
Score: Clean & Jerk = 1 point

Long Cycle 16kg
Long Cycle 20kg 
Long Cycle 24kg
Score: Clean & Jerk – 1 point

There are no body weight classes for this tournament. One Absolute Champion will be awarded per Kettlebell weight category.

If you cannot make it to Berlin a video submission for judging is possible, please contact us"


Alexander said...

Thanks Karsten!
I sent you a mail a moment ago.

Ignacio said...
