Monday, October 22, 2012

Trollhättan Kettlebell Open

Yesterday was the Trollhättan Kettlebell Open (long cycle).  Sofia and Daniel at TKSK had made nice preparations and it was a very friendly atmosphere. Coffee and bakery for sale.

There were thirteen lifters (8 gents, 5 ladies). A couple of lifters did their first competition with bravado and exellency.

Picture by Anna N
 My contribution was quite embarassing. 23 reps in 4minutes only (compare with e.g. Monday's training). After some reps I could not clean the bells properly and soon thereafter I realized I was about to drop them if I kept going. I believe it was due to that the bells (Italian made) had a more narrow grip than I am used to. Hence, I had difficulties setting the handle on the base of the palm so grip got very tired soon. I could not even rest in rack.

I had great time anyhow. Met some old and new friends. It was also really nice to compete again and I really feel like going to some more comps soon.

Here are some more competition pics taken by Anna N on Facebook (LINK).

Afternoon session
Deadlift 120kg: 2x 5reps
Deadlift 130kg: 2x 5reps
Deadlift 120kg: 5reps

Bench press 80kg: 5x 3reps

SC jerk 2x28kg: 5 (for the nerves)

As my competition set was not very exhausting I lifted some more in the afternoon.

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