Thursday, October 25, 2012


Running: 2,5kms

Clean 2x20,2x24,2x30: 5 reps each weight

Clean 2x32kg: 5x 5 reps

Following is 1min lifting/ 1min rest:

Clean 2x30kg: 10,10,9
Clean 2x24kg: 13,14,12
Clean 2x20kg: 13,14,10

Farm hold 2x40kg: 1 min
Farm walk 2x30kg: 1:15 min

Going to competitions you meet people and get some refreshing input on training. A friend  I met in Trollhättan had been working with a combination of cleans on one day, jerk the next and the full loncycle lift on yet a separate day.

Also I have started to check rest heart rate in the morning - if heart rate is suddenly higher you might need a break from training. 

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