Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pancake pull session: pancakes are good

Snatch 12,20,24kg: 5/5 each
Snatch 24kg: 20/20

Oa swing 24kg 50/50

Sumo dl 2x40kg: 2x1min, 20 rpm

This morning I had some pain in the left achilles tendon (not at the heel) so I did not want to jerk. Well, then I started snatches but technique sucked. I think the problem is partly found the backswing at left hand. It seems like when I train cleans regularly, my left hand begins to mix up whether I am about to do a clean or a snatch. So, in order to scaramble the nuts and bolts back into place, I did a swing set - face height - wich was nice. Then some timed sumo dl sets.

Not a great session, but I still enjoyed it.


Boris T said...

What's going on with your Achilles? Did you injure it?

Alexander said...

Hi ! I actually don't know, what I did. Maybe, it's rather a strained lower calf muscle than the tendon.
It felt a lot better this morning so I did lc so that it feels like before again :-).
Now, I have a rest week so I believe it will heal up fine. I used to have something like this off and on when I skipped rope in the past.
Have a good Saturday night!