Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Deadlift 80kg: 12 (overhand grip), 3x15 (mix grip)

Straight Deadlift 70kg: 15


Jerk 2x20kg: 66 (7rpm)
Snatch 24kg: 5/5, 30/30
LCCJ 2x20kg: 5
LCCJ 2x24kg: 5
LCCJ 2x28kg: 5

The every 2nd day layout continues. As there are some fun competitions at the horizon, the terrible issue of lactic acid tolerance raises its ugly head :-).

Don't let them fool you. Deadlifts with a bar is much harder than with kettlebells of the same weight (the bar wants to roll out of the hand).


Boris T said...

Two a day eh? I've been doing those myself, and yes the lactic acid build up is a killer.

Also good point about the deadlifts.

Alexander said...

The two a day is nice when there is plenty of recovery time. Like in the summer (and/or unemployment :-) vacation, a morning session, food, siesta and then a 2nd afternoon session is king.