Sunday, June 21, 2009

Snatch: Request video

Swing/Snatch triplets 20kg

Oa Farm walks 24kg to training ground

Snatch 24kg: 5/5, 10/10, 10/10, 20/20, 16/16, 12/12, 8/8, 8/8

Oa Farm walks 24kg back home

Trained in the park below my house. It is next to the sea-fare museum and to the delight of some tourists. One took several pics of me so I kept the lockouts a little longer in that set.

A friend - a good snatcher also - demanded some vids of me snatching. So voilà.

In the first vid, my tempo is too fast. I start getting tired there.

I think I read somewhere that the kind of hand-switch I do, has been made legal again?

In the 2nd vid, you can notice the difference between my shoulders. It might be a flexibility thing partially, but it is also simply a difference in sceletal structure right and left. Well, also a bit of just cleaning up my act...:-)
By the way, I'm almost 6 feet tall, but this bell makes me look so small.

Front view with sightseeing, I live in the big house behind the trees.

Side view

I think I have not really "made friends" with snatch yet. Snatches feel a bit like my jerks a while ago, there comes surprises in the form of technical changes, or blunders. Or, if I'm lucky, that can also be a phase in leaving one plateau for another one.
My jerks are not good, but anyway there seems to be more of a predictable trajectory of jerk evolution, I add small bits of technique from session to session.


Marko Suomi said...

Good work. Do you feed solid in the lockout?

Cool shirt btw!

Alexander said...

Thanks! No, sometimes when I snatch lockout does not feel solid (or, rather that it moves around up there).
When I see the vid, I see that there is often movement oh. Good to film.
Should repair that. Do you have any good exercizes that addresses that?
Otherwise, just practice with that in mind might be a way.
That movement OH, probably is quite tiring, btw.

Yes, very sharp dressed...:-)

Marko Suomi said...

Well, I'm struggling with the same issue. Cate for example tells me that I should do more one arm jerks with 32kg and hold the top position for 2-3 seconds. And sets of 10-12. Sergey Ratsinsky recommends (I heard) shallow OH squats with kbs and long one arm OH holds with a light weight.

Alexander said...

Thanks for the quick advices!
Exactly the kind of tips I was looking for. Will test these next session.

MKSchinabeck said...

Where do you fatigue when snatching? Seems like you could work a bit more on your double knee bend. You don't appear to have much of a straightening during your back swing and then essentially no second bend as the bell starts the ascent. This seems to be causing you to use your upper body more than you need during the ascent. Working heavy one handed GS swings with 32kg (if working 24kg snatches). The swings allow you to really focus on your double knee bend as well as your thumb/index finger pinch grip. How does your grip hold up? On your side clips, it appears that you have a "death grip" on the handle with the right more than left hand. You should really only have to grip the handle at the bottom of the snatch and then should be in the pinch grip.

Thanks for adding my site as a link. I have been getting tremendous Scandanavian traffic lately.


Alexander said...

Hi Matt! Thanks for an insightfull anaylysis.
There is a technique difference right/left - I have not succeeded to identify it though. The difference in grip could be it. Will follow that closely. (death grip=you squeese it hard with all of hand?)
I definitively tire in the grip first when snatching, second to that, the shoulders.
Then it's cardio, I don't feel anything in legs or back.
Great to hear about the Scandinavian traffic. It is great to follow your journey to CMS.
Many thanks for your comments!
Ma r kel Alexander

MKSchinabeck said...

Yes, the "death grip" is squeezing the handle. The fact that you fatigue in the grip and shoulders suggests to me that you are using your upper body too much. At this point, for me, my hands and conditioning are my rate limiters while working with the 28kg snatch. My shoulders never fatigue. Look at your snatch video and compare to mine or other some of the European their double knee bend. Try to incorportate this into your snatch. The more you can use your legs/butt, the less you will count on your upper body to get the bell overhead. Good luck and keep on working!
