Monday, July 25, 2011


Today, I once more experimented with thumbs forward and backward respectively in clean for long cycle. I like the way bells fall into rack with thumbs forward. On the other hand, so far it feels like I get more of a comfy swing range of motion with thumbs back style. I think I see more of a hip hinge during the the "normal style"-reps in the video below. The research continues.

LC 2x20kg: 5

LC 2x24kg: 10
LC 2x28kg: 2,4,10,8,6,6,4 (tot vol 40reps)

Sumo dl 2x40kg: 20/1min
Bar hang: 60 sec
Bridgework, stretching, brettzels, trigger points

Wash your eyes with Merkulin
Two LC-videos with Sergey Merkulin for inspiration. First from front.

Then sideways:

As notified by Caestus previously, Merkulin also has several videos with assistance exercizes on his youtube-channel (you get there by clicking on the videos above).
--- ED---
Please, note Daniel's comment on thumb positioning below.


Krafttraining & Kettlebell said...

You got the point.
During St. Petersburg IKSFA there was also the "Thumbs in front or back" question.

It seemed that Sportmens with a more "Bulky Body" can do better with the thumbs facing to the front...also for people with less hip mobility.
Also it is a little bit faster...cause the way isn't so long.

Thums back for thiner people could work better.

Looking forward for more results my friend.

Krafttraining & Kettlebell said...

Try to lean back during the way down in the Clean -->less stress for your back! You shorten the leverage.

Good work!

Alexander said...

Interesting stuff.
I look forward to try the leaning back.
Thanks a lot!

Anonymous said...

Leaning back on the drop is especially important when the weight starts being respectable. Just like in snatch, really.

As far as thumbs go, thumbs up feel more natural for me, but I get a better clean position (though more demanding) with thumbs in. It doesn't look so smart to have so much inner rotation but if it doesn't cause problems it should be ok.

antti said...

I've been doing LC with thumbs forward for quite some time. Once I test it (in Latvia), there was no turning back. If you want to get most out of it (+your hip), you must learn to lean back. It makes things easier for sure.

Andreas Rix said...

En liten kommentar till till "tum" diskussionen:) Det är också så att med tummarna riktade framåt belastas underarmarna mer med statisk belastning eftersom den stumma delen av armen tar "emot" på insidan av låret eftersom armbågsleden i det fallet inte går att böja med i rörelsen. Man får av den anledningen också en lite grundare aceleration pull dvs swingen. Använder man sig av tummen bakåt så får man en djupare swing och axlarna får istället den mest tongivande belastiningen i clean rörelsen. Personligen använder jag mig av tummmarna framåt eftersom jag då inte behöver luta mig framåt så mycket. Jag uppfattar också att jag kan driva mer med benen då. Bara en liten synpunkt, är man lång så tror jag att tummarna fram är att rekommendera. Annarstror jag att det är som mycket annat en fråga om hur man själv känner att det känns bra helt enkelt. Frågan diskuterades även på IKSFA campen i Motala.