Monday, March 1, 2010

LCCJ sess

Lccj 2x20: 2x 5reps
Lccj 2x24kg: 5, 37, 22, 10,10

Played with the idea of making a new pyramid. The ordinary ones should have started like "4,8, 25(or 32)."
The crux there is that this start (A) makes me too exhausted to enjoy a longer timed set in the pyramid, and (B) this is aggravated as I have to warm up a bit more with lighter weights before (I always start with oa jerks, though I don't write it here anymore :-).

An aim is also to get a volume of in about my double max. Next week there is a virtual competition arranged by the Rybinsk Club; so I felt I needed both a little volume and intense timed set. Thus my invention.

Was happy with the cardio+tempo, but not with some lockouts. Used the HR meter but succeeded to clear the memory after the set.

Listened to the radio, there was a debate between some politicians and buisiness people about soy: obviously nowadays there are certifications even for soy.


Liljeros said...

Nuförtiden? Det låter på dig som om certifieringar skulle vara ett nytt fenomen? Det är det dock inte.

Alexander said...

Tack för påpekandet!
Bönderna vill inte ge certifierad soja till svinen.

Liljeros said...

Typiskt bönder att vara emot certifieringar.

Alexander said...

Och så söker dom fruar på tv4 och blir rikskändisar. Skulle dom börja med "Akademiker söker fru" skulle jag kunna visa dom vad riktig tv-underhållning kan vara. Det skulle nog få sändas ganska sent på kvällarna dock...