Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The final results from the Lccj competition the 7th of December

Eighty-one (81) particpants! 5 Danes, 4 Swedes, 32 Finns, and 40 Australians:

Scroll to the right for seeing the results. As you remember, this is a team competition (a very friendly such). The aim was to get as high as possible an average of kilos lifted per member in the respective teams.

Sweden (2182kg per lifter) ended up 1,1kg above 2180,9 kgs - the average of the kilograms lifted by the participants! Then three brave and strong Australian children are included in the calculation. Check them out (three bottom lines); aged 6, 8, and 11 with reps from 138 to 165!

Denmark - very strong - congratulations!

Also, it can be mentioned that many of the Finns had lifted in the IGX Global Challenge too. That hard event also went this weekend and consisted out of 10min snatch immediatly (no rest) followed by 10min oalccj. Several of the Finnish lifters then took the score from the last 10min of oalccj and used it as their score in this Lccj Challenge.

I know that several of the Australian lifters (e.g. Paul Tucker) also participated in the IGX, but I do not know if they the used the same system as Finland.

Also note that some lifters in the Finnish and Australian teams did double long cycle; for almost all people that means that they end up lifting considerably less kgs in total than they would have done in a one-arm effort.

All summed up and taken together, what a great event! Real fun!
Thanks to us all involved, not the least the central coordinators in the Finnish Kettlebell Association and in the Girevoy Sport Australia Association. I have already thanked my Swedish team mates so much that I will not do it again ;-).
Now, I leave the computor to begin preparing for the Cross World 2009.

Here is also Denmark's sum up of the event including a clear presentation of the results.
And, the Finnish results from the IGX Intergalactic Challenge - very impressive! Also impressive was that over 200 people globally participated in this event initiated by Catherine Imes.


Liljeros said...

Ja danskarna gjorde bra ifrån sig, fin film här:

Men den har du säkert redan sett. Vi får se om man hänger på nästa år, då kanske man kan få ihop ett gäng i Göteborg.

Alexander said...

Tack för länken!
Vore jättekul med ett Gbg-gäng också! Det får vi fixa!

Anonymous said...

Ja nästa gång få det allt bli ett Stockholmsgäbg också nu när Dick och jag fick in rkc tekniken på Sonnonseminariet!

En annan har tyvärr överansträngt kroppen vid senaste passet och vilar så länge!

Alexander said...

Grattis till certifieringen Danne!
Ett Sthlms-gäng vore finfint också!

Hej från en annan överansträngd! :-)

Anonymous said...

blev en bra tävling!

Alexander said...

Visst var det kul väl? Utan dig hade det inte blitt nåt heller. Lite synd att det inte låg på lördagen så man hade kunnat titta lite mer på Malmös uteliv. Fast å andra sidan, så blev det ju både billigare och nyttigare såhär.

Anonymous said...

vissa tittade på utelivet, vissa gick hem och la sig :)

Alexander said...

Hm, berättade ni egentligen hela sanningen... :-)

Anonymous said...

som sagt, alla gick och la sig tidigt :)